And the Multiplier of the Year Award Goes to…

…Roosevelt’s Principal Girardi! Trish photo 11.30.15

Ms. Girardi was voted as the winner of The Multiplier of the Year Award sponsored by The Wiseman Group. She beat out education professionals nation wide and is now recognized as one of the world’s top leaders and “genius makers”.

Are you a genius or a genius maker? We’ve all had experience with two dramatically different types of leaders. The first type drains intelligence, energy, and capability from the people around them and always needs to be the smartest person in the room. These are the idea killers, the energy sappers, the diminishers of talent and commitment. On the other side of the spectrum are leaders who use their intelligence to amplify the smarts and capabilities of the people around them. When these leaders walk into a room, light bulbs go off over people’s heads; ideas flow and problems get solved. These are the leaders who inspire employees to stretch themselves and get more from other people. These are the Multipliers. And the world needs more of them, especially now when leaders are expected to do more with less. – The Wiseman Group

Ms. Girardi was nominated for this award by our very own Jan Marsh (8th grade Math & Science). She wrote the following about Ms. Girardi:

Trish hires good people, deploys them where they can make their best contributions, and helps them find what they need for success. She shines a spotlight on the talent that she magnetically attracts to the school, giving ownership for end goals, challenging us to use our creativity and ingenuity in finding our way there. She creates an intense environment that requires our best thinking and work. API scores have increased, 119 points in 5 years. Her leadership has unlocked the genius in us all! Since she became Principal, Roosevelt has won the Russell J. Kent Award, 2009, 2012, and 2014, Boyajian Honored Teacher Award, 2011, PIA Hero Award 2010, SMCRA Celebrate Literacy Award, 2012, and in 2013, SMC Teacher of the Year, SMCRA Literacy Award, CSBA Golden Bell, and Biz World Champions.

Congratulations Ms. Girardi! This award and recognition is well deserved and the entire Roosevelt community is proud to have you as our leader!

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