Veterans Day 2015

On this Veterans Day, Roosevelt honors those that have served our country in the United States Armed Forces. Veterans_Day_2015

Each year, Roosevelt honors veterans serving our country by sending letters to those serving overseas. One such letter was sent in 2010 by a Roosevelt second grader to Army Specialist Jesse Snow who was killed in action before he could receive the letter. We honor his memory each Memorial Day and continue to send letters overseas each Veterans Day.

Want to know more about Veterans Day? Here are some facts:

U.S. President Woodrow Wilson first proclaimed Armistice Day for November 11, 1919 to honor those who died in World War I.

A Congressional Act approved on May 13, 1938, made the 11th of November in each year a legal holiday: “a day to be dedicated to the cause of world peace and to be thereafter celebrated and known as ‘Armistice Day’.”  Office of Veterans Affairs

President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed a bill into law on May 26, 1954 to expand Armistice Day to celebrate all veterans, not just those who died in World War I.

Congress amended the bill on June 1, 1954, replacing “Armistice” with “Veterans,” and it has been known as Veterans Day ever since.

While the holiday is commonly printed as Veteran’s Day or Veterans’ Day in calendars and advertisements (spellings that are grammatically acceptable), the United States Department of Veterans Affairs Web site states that the attributive (no apostrophe) rather than the possessive case is the official spelling “because it is not a day that ‘belongs’ to veterans, it is a day for honoring all veterans.” Office of Public Affairs, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.

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