Week of December 1 – December 5

Mark your calenders for the following events at Roosevelt: calendaricon

Monday, December 1
Classes Resume!

Tuesday, December 2
Outdoor Education meeting for all 5th grade parents at 5:30pm in the Staff Room (Rm 14)

Reading Fair Pizza & Prep Night at 6:00pm in the cafeteria! Come and find out about Roosevelt’s Reading Fair (to be held on January 13). Families that attend Pizza and Prep Night will be able to pick up a Starter Kit which includes a tri-fold presentation board!

Wednesday, December 3
5th grade  PBL Presentations – American Revolution at 8:30am

Thursday, December 4
Restaurant fundraiser at Chuck E Cheese (2541 El Camino) from 3:00pm – 9:00pm. Chuck E Cheese will donate 15% of sales back to Roosevelt. Invite friends and family and help raise more money for Roosevelt!

Friday, December 5
Student of the Month Assemblies

Important Dates…
December 9 – SPARK Discovery Night at 5:30pm
December 11 – Final Kindergarten tour at 8:30am for 2015/2016 school year
December 11 – Ms. Eakin’s 3rd grade PBL presentation at 8:30am
December 15 – WinterFest at 5:30pm at PCC (TK, Rooms 6B & 31, Room 23 (Gr.2), and Room 8 (Gr. 6) Grade 8 (ALL Students) and ALL Instrumental Music Students)
December 15 – WinterFest at 7:00pm at PCC (Grade 1 (ALL Students), Room 5 & 6 (Gr. 3), Grade 5 (All Students), Room 10 (Gr. 6), & Room 17 (Gr. 7)
December 16 – WinterFest at 6:00pm at PCC (Kindergarten (ALL Students), Rooms 24 & 28 (Gr. 2), Grade 4 (ALL Students), Room 6A, Room 9 (Gr. 6), and Room 16 (Gr.7)
December 22 – January 2 – Winter Break
January 5 – Teacher Training Day – No School
January 6 – Classes Resume
January 9 – Final Middle School tour at 9:00am for 2015/2016 school year
January 9 – Last day for priority registration for Kindergarten for the 2015/2016 school year
January 9 – Last day for school of choice transfer applications for the February placement lottery for the 2015/2016 school year

Trivia Question…
Make your guess and find out if you’re right at the bottom!

Which state holds a state wide Reading Fair competition for students in grades Pre-K – 12th each year?

a. New Mexico
b. Mississippi
c. Michigan
d. Vermont

Outdoor Education & Yosemite…
5th & 6th grade families are asked to please turn in their payments for this year’s Outdoor Education and Yosemite weeks. Payments may be turned in to the school office. Checks and credit cards are accepted.

Raccoon Bucks…
In addition to the ice cream truck that has parked next to Schaeberg Library every afternoon at dismissal time, there is now an ice cream cart at the Schaeberg gate. If you are giving your child money for the Snack Shack, they may be using it to buy from one of the two vendors on the street. If you would like to make sure that your child only buys snacks from the Snack Shack, you can purchase Raccoon Bucks that are acceptable currency for any item at the Snack Shack. Raccoon Bucks are available for sale at $1 each in the school office.

Spirit wear…
All sizes have been restocked and are again available for sale in the school office. If you’re stopping by the office in the morning or just before afternoon dismissal to purchase spirit wear, please be patient with Gwen and Rosie. There is always a lot going on in the office during those times, so it may take a while for them to get the chance to retrieve the items for you from the storage room. Also, if you are paying cash, please have exact change – the office is not allowed to hold cash to make change. Checks should be made out to Roosevelt PTA. You may also pay by credit card.

Fundraise While You Shop…
Shoparoo: Do you have a smartphone? Take a picture of your weekly shopping receipts for Shoparoo points! If you have an iPhone or Android smartphone, download the free Shoparoo app today. **NEW THIS YEAR** — you can even scan your restaurant and department store receipts for points. For more information, go to www.shoparoo.com

Escrip: Please don’t forget to also sign up on escrip.com and register your Safeway Club card, credit cards and debit to help earn money for Roosevelt at stores such as Safeway, Old Navy, Home Depot, etc. and remember to always look for the Box Tops logo on anything you buy. Each Box Top earns 10¢ for our school. We’ll be having Box Top contests throughout the year, so clip them and save them! NOTE: You must renew your Safeway Club Card with Escrip each year. Please go to escrip.com and click on “Renew Your Safeway Club Card”

Target: Do you have a Target REDcard? Did you know that if you select Roosevelt School, Target will donate 1% of your REDcard purchases from Target stores and Target.com to Roosevelt. www.target.com/redcard

“Like” us on Facebook…
Please be sure to “Like” the Roosevelt page to get school and district updates and pictures from Roosevelt school events in your news feed.

If you’ve liked our page, but don’t see any updates in your news feed, it’s because Facebook has been using a formula that hides posts for pages that don’t pay for sponsored placements. What can you do? Go to our Facebook page and hover your mouse over the Liked box. Then make sure Get Notifications and Show in News Feed are checked. www.facebook.com/RooseveltElementarySchool

Trivia Question Answer…
The correct answer is b. Mississippi! Every public school in Mississippi holds a Reading Fair competition. The winners from each school then move on to a district wide competition, then a county wide competition and finally a state wide competition.

As far as we know, Roosevelt is the ONLY school in California that holds a Reading Fair competition! Last year, we had some pretty great entries, so everyone is really excited for this year’s competition.

Please come to our Pizza & Prep Night on Tuesday, December 2 at 6:00pm in the Cafeteria to find out more about this year’s Reading Fair (to be held on January 13). If you sign up to participate in this year’s Reading Fair, you will receive a free tri-fold board and a set of art supplies!


Have a great week!


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