Midweek Reminders!

reminderWednesday, September 24
Please join us for the first Site Council meeting of the year in Room 14 at 6:00pm.  On the agenda for this month’s meeting: school staffing, enrollment,  Measure W spending and school safety.  All are encouraged to attend and Spanish translation is available. (Please note: this a rescheduled meeting. Site Council meetings are held on the 2nd Monday of each month at 6:00pm.)

Friday, September 26
Friday is the last day to pick up boxes of chocolate from the office for the World’s Finest Chocolate fundraiser! Our fundraising coordinator has set a really high goal this year and we need your help to make it happen!

Box Tops Challenge!…
Just one more week until the Roosevelt/Adelante BoxTops Challenge begins! box topsStart putting those BoxTops aside to turn in beginning September 29.  Principal Girardi has challenged Adelante’s principal to a BoxTops contest. During the month of October, we will be collecting BoxTops. Each BoxTop earns 10¢ for our school! The school that has collected the most BoxTops for the month will be declared the winner and the principal of the losing school will have to wear the other school’s spirit wear for a day.

Let’s make sure that Adelante’s principal has to show some Roosevelt Raccoon pride by collecting and turning in those BoxTops in October!


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