Final Friday Reminders!

Friday, September 19
Free Dress for students that turned in $60 toward chocolate sales by September 12

Family Dinner Dance!…kidsdancing
Put your dancing shoes on and come to the Family Dinner Dance on Friday, September 19 at 5:30pm! Enjoy a lasagne dinner (including salad, rolls, dessert and a drink)include dinner and dancing to Roosevelt’s own DJ Tsutsui for the evening.  If you pre-purchased your dinner tickets, your name will be on a list at the door.

Please Note: 5th grade families are being asked to help out with this event. If you didn’t turn in your volunteer form, please arrive at least 1/2 hour before the start of the event to help with set up or serving or stay at the end of the event to help with clean up.

The names of families that help on the family fun nights will be entered into a drawing at the end of the year for some prizes as a way to say “Thank you!”

Our Next Big Event…
Is Spooktacular Bingo on October 24! 6th grade parents are being asked to help with this event. Please contact Aurora Gallardo at or Valerie Romero at (650)346-2445.


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