Week of January 24 – January 28

Make sure to mark your calendars for the following events at Roosevelt this week:

Monday, January 24
Box Tops Boys vs Girls fundraiser begins!

Reclassification writing test for 2nd and 3rd graders.  English Language Learners who were proficient or advanced on the CST and qualified on the CELDT exam will be given a writing test to determine if they can be reclassified.

Literacy Night from 5:00pm – 6:30pm. There will be a main presentation on ways to make your child a better reader and then there will be smaller workshops for the parents. This is an event for all Roosevelt parents. Workshops will be available in English and Spanish.

Tuesday – January 25
Reclassification writing test for 4th and 5th graders.  English Language Learners who were proficient or advanced on the CST and qualified on the CELDT exam will be given a writing test to determine if they can be reclassified.

Flyers for a Chuck E Cheese fundraiser came home in last Thursday’s folder.  Eat at Chuck E Cheese anytime between 3:00pm – 9:00pm and Roosevelt will get money back for our school!

PTA Meeting at 6:00pm in the Faculty Room (Room 14).  All are welcome to attend and Spanish translation is available.  Childcare is provided in the Champions room.

Friday, January 28
Awards Ceremony in the MUR!  Students in grades 1-5, who made 10% growth or who were proficient on the December benchmark assessment will be receiving ribbons to recognize their hard work.  1st and 2nd grade at 1:00 and 3rd – 5th grade at 1:30.

Family Movie Night featuring “Toy Story 3”!  Bring blankets, pillows or sleeping bags to get comfortable on the floor in the multi-use room. You may drop off your items in the multi-use room as early as 6:15, but we ask that everyone waits outside till the doors open at 6:45. The movie will start at 7pm.

Please note that all children must be supervised by an adult. Admission is free but you may want to bring money for snacks. We’ll be selling bags of popcorn and bottled water for $1 each and big candy bars for $2. All proceeds support the Roosevelt PTA.

We have a New Teacher…
The district has provided us with a half time teacher to support student learning at Roosevelt. Ms. Girardi is going to use site funds to make this a full-time teaching position.  Roosevelt’s newest teacher, Sara Christensen, is now in Room 10 and will be helping with 1st grade reading and TIG groups and 4th and 5th graders with Math and Language Arts.

Keep checking the Parent Blog!
Make sure to bookmark our blog – www.rooseveltparents.com. This week I’ll be posting important information from the 6th Grade Expansion Committee.  I’m also trying to regularly update the “PBL in the Classroom” section on the blog.  Take a look at what all of the different grades are doing in their classrooms with PBL!  Please also check the “Volunteer Corner”.  We’re trying to recognize the hard work and dedication of Roosevelt’s volunteers so I’m adding names as I get them.

Book Swap…
Ms. Tsuchiyama’s 4th grade class is still collecting books for their February Book Swap.  Please bring in any used books (in good condition) to your child’s classroom and the 4th graders will take care of the rest!

Save the Date…

Drug Awareness Night – February 28
An officer from the Sherrif’s department will be coming to Roosevelt for a presentation on drug awareness on Monday, February 28 from 6:30 – 8:30pm. Please note: because the officer will be bringing items associated with drugs, this is an adult only event, but childcare will be available in the Champions Room.

Be on time…
We’re in the last 6 days of the ELAC and PTA “Be On Time!” contest for the class who has the most students that arrive on time to school each morning through January 31st. The winning class will have a pizza party!

Have a great week!


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