Week of January 10 – January 14

Make sure to mark your calendars for the following events at Roosevelt this week:

Monday, January 10
The School Site Council meeting will be at 6:30pm in the Faculty Room (Room14). Topics usually discussed include: school safety, 6th grade Expansion Committee update, Principal’s Report, district news and school news. All are welcome and Spanish translation is available.

Tuesday, January 11 and Wednesday, January 12
The Roosevelt staff is scheduled for CORE training so be aware that the classes will have a substitute teacher on one of those days.

Thursday, January 13
Do you know anyone that has a child that will be eligible for Kindergarten next year? Or someone that is interested in learning about Roosevelt? If so, please let them know that Roosevelt is hosting a Kindergarten Tour/Open House for prospective families for the 2011/2012 school year on Thursday, January 13 from 7:00 – 8:00pm.

Friday, January 14
Ms. Tsuchiyama’s 4th grade class was recently inspired by a conversation that they had with the librarian, Ms. Paulette. The kids were saddened by the lack of access to the library because of Paulette’s limited schedule. She mentioned the words “book swap” and an idea was born! They will be collecting books on Friday, Jan 14 for a school wide Book Swap. Please bring in any used books (in good condition) to your child’s classroom and the 4th graders will take care of the rest.

We have a parent blog!
Our new parent blog is officially up and running! Check it out at www.rooseveltparents.com. All of the information that goes out in these weekly updates is also on the blog along with other school news and information about the PBL program. I would love to be able to put more photos or videos of activities and projects on the blog, so if you have any, send them to me and I’ll put them on the site. I would also welcome any submissions for content. One feature that I’m sure many of you will find useful is the Translate option. On the right hand side of the blog is a box that says “Translation”. Just click on the language of your choice and the blog will be translated into that language for you.

Volunteers Needed…
I’m helping with the organizing of the Kindergarten Tour/Open House and can really use help this week making the Parent Room (Room 11) look tidy and I will be hanging up examples of art projects in the Art in Action room (Room 12 and 13) on Thursday afternoon.

Also, if any current parents want to come that night to be able to help direct visitors or to answer questions about our school from the touring parents, the help would be very much appreciated. If anyone can help with any of those projects, please contact me at trishreillytaylor@gmail.com.

Save the Date…

“Toy Story 3” Coming to Roosevelt January 28
Mark your calendars for Family Movie Night on Friday, Jan. 28, featuring “Toy Story 3”! The movie will be shown in the multi-use room so bring blankets, pillows or sleeping bags to make yourself comfortable on the floor. Doors open at 6:45pm and the movie will start at 7. Admission is free; popcorn, candy and bottled water will be available for $1 each. Please note that all children must be supervised by an adult. Hope to see you there!

Literacy Night – January 24
ELAC is sponsoring a school wide Literacy Night on Monday, January 24 from 5:00-6:30. There will be a main presentation on ways to make your child a better reader and then there will be smaller workshops for the parents. This is an event for all Roosevelt parents. Workshops will be available in English and Spanish. Look for more information to come in the following weeks.

Drug Awareness Night – February 28
An officer from the Sherrif’s department will be coming to Roosevelt for a presentation on drug awareness on Monday, February 28 from 6:30 – 8:30pm. Please note: this is an adult only event, but childcare will be available in the Champions Room.

Be on time…
I know that the cold and dark mornings are making it difficult to get out of the house on time, but the ELAC and PTA contest is still going for the class who has the most students that arrive on time to school each morning through January 31st. The winning class will have a pizza party!

Box Tops! Look for another school wide contest beginning at the end of January. This time it will be Boys vs Girls! The prize for the winners of this contest is an extra recess! Each Box Top that Roosevelt turns in earns $.10. That may not seem like much, but if everyone is turning them in, it can mean hundreds of dollars for our school! So keep cutting out those Box Tops!

Have a great week!




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