Spooktacular Bingo, Garden Beautification & BoxTops!

Boo BingoSpooktacular Bingo!…
Don’t miss out! Come and join in the fun with a night of Spooktacular Bingo! at 6:00pm. Our Bingo nights are always so much fun! This year our Bingo callers are Coach Nate and Coach Nick. Will they carry on the tradition and come in costume? There’s only one way to find out! Come in your costumes or just come as you are! Hot dogs, juice, pizza and candy will all be for sale for $1. It’s a fun night for the whole familiy!

Please Note: 6th grade families are being asked to help out with this event. If you didn’t turn in your volunteer form, please arrive at least 1/2 hour before the start of the event to help with set up or serving or stay at the end of the event to help with clean up.

The names of families that help on the family fun nights will be entered into a drawing at the end of the year for some prizes as a way to say “Thank you!”

Garden Beautification Day Volunteers Needed…
Rebuilding Together Peninsula and The Carey School have requested that we have Roosevelt volunteers to work with them on Sunday, October 26th.  Currently, we have a few families confirmed and would like to ask that you please consider coming for an hour or two to help out.gardening-clipart-school_garden_supplies_2

Carey is a private school in San Mateo that has been fundraising on our behalf to purchase new benches, native plants, paint and supplies to improve the garden space at our school.  They love to garden at their school, and they are looking to connect with a school that they can help out with since they have so much.  Rebuilding Together Peninsula is doing the project management and is making it possible to do a big project with out lots of our money and time.
This is GREAT opportunity to work together on a small project that will have lasting benefits for the school.  VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED FROM 9:45-12:45 and 11:45-2:45 – we especially need kids who can act as “ambassadors” with the volunteers from RTP and Carey volunteers. LUNCH and a T-SHIRT WILL BE PROVIDED.  Please come, even for an hour or two – it will be very appreciated by our children at Roosevelt! Email or call Megan Goulden at megan.goulden@gmail.com with any questions.

Box Tops Challenge!…
box topsThe principal of Adelante was VERY confident about her school’s BoxTops totals at last night’s district Kindergarten Information Night. She was even doing a little victory dance!!! Principal Girardi DOES NOT want to wear Adelante spiritwear! The Roosevelt/Adelante BoxTops Challenge is in it’s last week so please send in those BoxTops before October 30th! Each BoxTop earns 10¢ for our school, so sending them in will not only help to win the challenge, but we can earn money for our school. Let’s make sure that Adelante’s principal is dancing in Roosevelt spiritwear!  Turn in those BoxTops before October 30!


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