Week of October 27 – October 31

Mark your calenders for the following events at Roosevelt:calendaricon

Monday, October 27
Please come to the PTA Meeting  at 6:00pm in Room 14. The PTA will be discussing the facilities update plan that has to be sent back to the district by Nov 3. Come and see what the plans are to remodel the Roosevelt campus. The PTA will also be going over the status of current fundraisers and direct donation fundraising and checking in on PTA’s budget. All are welcome to attend and Spanish translation is available. Free childcare is offered in the YMCA room.

Tuesday, October 28
6th, 7th & 8th grade Sports Teams field trip – NFL Drug Prevention & Education Clinic at St. Pius

Open Garden Day during Lunch Recess. Interested students may sign up with their teacher to work in the garden during lunch recess. Volunteers are always welcome to come and help out! Please contact Megan Goulden at megan.goulden@gmail.com for more information

Free chess lessons during lunch time recess for grades 1 – 8 (Sponsored by Roosevelt PTA – thanks to parent donations to the Roosevelt Enrichment Fund)

Navigating Middle School/Teen Success (7th of 8 week session) at 6:00pm for parents of students in grades 5-8. Students whose parents attend will earn a free dress pass and are entered into a raffle for prizes! If you haven’t attended the other sessions, you are still welcome to join in. (Sponsored by Foothill College’s Family Engagement Institute)

Thursday, October 30
Halloween Parade at 8:15am on the lower playground! Students may come to school in their costumes. For those new to the school, you should know that Roosevelt LOVES Halloween and we go all out! The costume parade begins on the lower playground at 8:15am so that the students can show off their costumes. Parents are welcome to join in the fun! Prizes are given in many different categories – best homemade, best makeup, best theme, etc.  Costume rules: no toy weapons and no gore. Please remember that the students need to change back into their uniforms after the parade, so pack a uniform if they are not able to wear it under their costume.

Many classes/grades will be having Halloween or Harvest themed parties at some point during the day on October 30. Please check with your child’s teacher to see if any food items or supplies are needed.

Last day to turn in your BoxTops for the Roosevelt vs Adelante Challenge!

Friday, October 31
Teacher Training Day – No School

Important Dates…
November 4 – Election Day! YMCA room being used as a polling station (voter information below)
November 5 – Kindergarten Tour Night at 6:30pm for incoming Kinders
November 7 – Free Dress Friday!
November 7 – Deadline extended! Last day to turn in $130 for PTA donation to be entered into the raffle (more information below)
November 11 – Veteran’s Day – No School
November 17 – 21 – Fall Book Fair (7th Grade families being asked to help)
November 24 – 25 – Parent/Teacher Conferences – No School
November 26 – 28 – Thanksgiving Holiday – No School

Box Tops Challenge!…
Principal Girardi DOES NOT want to wear Adelante spiritwear! box topsThe Roosevelt/Adelante BoxTops Challenge is in it’s last week! Please send in those BoxTops before 10/30! Each BoxTop earns 10¢ for our school, so sending them in will not only help to win the challenge, but we can earn money for our school! Principal Girardi has challenged Adelante’s principal – the school that has collected the most BoxTops for the month will be declared the winner and the principal of the losing school will have to wear the other school’s spirit wear for a day. Let’s make sure that Adelante’s principal has to show some Roosevelt Raccoon pride by collecting and turning in those BoxTops before October 30!

Last chance to win an iPad Mini! — DEADLINE EXTENDED!!!…
Are you in…to WIN? Families that have turned in their $130 donation to the Roosevelt Enrichment Fund are entered into a drawing on November 7 for an iPad Mini or have one of the school hallways named after your family! There will also be other wonderful prizes that you can win. If you’ve turned in your $130 pledge to the PTA, but haven’t turned in your raffle ticket, please do so before November 7. If you are making monthly payments and you pay your $130 pledged amount by the 7th, you will receive a raffle ticket for a chance to win one of the raffle prizes. Checks can be made out to Roosevelt PTA or you can pay by credit card in the school office. Will you be one of the lucky winners? Screen Shot 2014-10-24 at 6.40.01 PM

Did you already pay the $130 pledge but haven’t received your goody bag, raffle ticket or green shirt? Please contact our PTA treasurer Guy Taylor at guytaylor123@yahoo.com

PTA Membership…
Do you want to have a say in how the PTA spends your money and any other money raised by fundraisers throughout the year? Then send in your membership form with your yearly dues ($10 for individual or $15 for family).  Our PTA has to send this money to the state PTA to maintain our school’s PTA membership. PTA members have voting rights at PTA meetings and general PTA assemblies. Come to the next PTA meeting on Monday, October 27 at 6:00 and if you’ve paid your membership dues, you can vote during the meeting!

Accelerated Reader…
Attention parents of students in grades 2 -8: you can now view you child’s Accelerated Reader progress online! Renaissance Home Connect is a tool that allows parents to log in to a Web site and view a snapshot of their child’s Accelerated Reader progress. That progress includes average percent correct on quizzes, number of points earned, and results on the last quiz. In addition, parents can view all the Accelerated Reader quizzes their child has taken, and can access an online search tool, AR Book Finder, to search for books using various criteria, including author, subject, or reading level. To receive an email when your child has completed an Accelerated Reader Quiz, click the Email Setup link and enter your child’s name and up to six email addresses to receive updates.

To log on, go to https://Hosted122.renlearn.com/278977/HomeConnect That will open up a page requesting your child’s User Name and Password. Letters went home to parents with this information, but if you don’t have it, have your child enter the information. Once you are in the system, you will be able to see the books your child has read and what their progress is towards their point goal. Please note: This site currently doesn’t work on all browsers, but it does work on Safari.

Outdoor Education & Yosemite…
5th & 6th grade families are asked to please turn in their payments for this year’s Outdoor Education and Yosemite weeks. Payments may be turned in to the school office. Checks and credit cards are accepted.

School Site Council Elections…
Parents are needed for this year’s School Site Council. Are you interested in working with other parents, teachers and staff to create a school filled with rich and challenging programs? Do you believe parents should have a say on how school programs and planning works? Do you want to learn more about how an elementary school is run? Are you willing to serve a one or two year term? Please fill out the pink interest form that came home in last week’s blue folder. If you have any questions, please contact our site council president Dave Goulden at dave.goulden@gmail.com

On the Nov 4 Ballot…
There are two items on this November’s ballot that have a big impact on education in California.

The first is the race for State Superintendent of Education. Tom Torlakson is running for another term and his opponent is Marshall Tuck. Both participated in a debate that can be seen at http://edsource.org/2014/tuck-torlakson-debate-union-power-lawsuit/67916#.VE04NeevUXw Their biggest difference: Torlakson is for keeping the current teacher tenure system and Tuck wants to reform it.

The second item is Proposition 2 (Rainy Day Budget Stabilization Fund) is a way that Sacramento legislators intend to prevent big budget cuts in times of economic hardship for the state. The League of Women Voters has a basic recap of this proposition at http://cavotes.org/vote/election/2014/november/4/ballot-measure/proposition-2  Opposition to this proposition is by a statewide parent group called Educate our State. They site a similar bill passed in 2004, but the state borrowed money from education budgets to pay for state debts with the promise to pay it back, but that money has not been repaid and school districts have had to make massive cuts. To see Educate Our State’s opposing viewpoint, go to www.educateourstate.org

Fundraise While You Shop…
Shoparoo: Do you have a smartphone? Take a picture of your weekly shopping receipts for Shoparoo points! If you have an iPhone or Android smartphone, download the free Shoparoo app today. **NEW THIS YEAR** — you can even scan your restaurant and department store receipts for points. For more information, go to www.shoparoo.com

Escrip: Please don’t forget to also sign up on escrip.com and register your Safeway Club card, credit cards and debit to help earn money for Roosevelt at stores such as Safeway, Old Navy, Home Depot, etc. and remember to always look for the Box Tops logo on anything you buy. Each Box Top earns 10¢ for our school. We’ll be having Box Top contests throughout the year, so clip them and save them! NOTE: You must renew your Safeway Club Card with Escrip each year. Please go to escrip.com and click on “Renew Your Safeway Club Card”

Target: Do you have a Target REDcard? Did you know that if you select Roosevelt School, Target will donate 1% of your REDcard purchases from Target stores and Target.com to Roosevelt. www.target.com/redcard

“Like” us on Facebook…
Please be sure to “Like” the Roosevelt page to get school and district updates and pictures from Roosevelt school events in your news feed.

If you’ve liked our page, but don’t see any updates in your news feed, it’s because Facebook has been using a formula that hides posts for pages that don’t pay for sponsored placements. What can you do? Go to our Facebook page and hover your mouse over the Liked box. Then make sure Get Notifications and Show in News Feed are checked. www.facebook.com/RooseveltElementarySchool

Have a great week!

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