Roosevelt’s Beautification Weekend!

Roosevelt’s Beautification Weekend was a tremendous success with so many people coming out to come together to give Roosevelt’s campus a new look. More than 700 volunteers came on Saturday, October 6 and hundreds more came on Sunday, October 7. More than 250 Roosevelt families signed up to help out, and parents and kids all pitched in!

A big heartfelt thank you to PCC and 2nd Mile for all of their hard work. And another big thank you to the artists that worked so tirelessly on the beautiful mural. And last but not least, thank you to the Devitis family for all of their hard work coordinating the event!

For anyone that couldn’t attend this weekend, please take some time to walk through the campus to see everything that was done. It was an amazing and uplifting weekend and the students will be so excited to see the changes on Monday morning!

Here’s how the office looked on Friday afternoon (you’ll have to wait until Monday for the final reveal):

The mural got mapped out last week.

And it started to take shape by Friday.

Got mulch? We do!

Here’s the office as of Saturday:

Here’s the mural on Saturday, but still not quite done:

Where did all of that mulch go?

To watch the makeover unfold, take a look at more pictures from this weekend:


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