SJ Earthquakes Visit Roosevelt!

On Wednesday, October 3, the SJ Earthquakes sent their mascot “Q” and player Shea Salinas to Roosevelt for a “Get EQ Fit” assembly.

Last June, our PTA sold tickets to the SJ Earthquakes vs LA Galaxy game at Stanford. The Earthquakes offer the demo to any school that sells 200 tickets and Roosevelt sold over 500 tickets and took over a whole section at Stanford Stadium. We were the first school that has ever won the school visit!

Player Shea Salinas talked with the students about his career journey, and gave advice on how they can go ahead and be successful in life too. He stressed the importance of healthy eating, getting plenty of exercise, and going to college if one wants a career in sports like his.

After his presentation, Shea Salinas and “Q” posed for pictures with classes and school staff. What a great day!

Go Quakes!


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